Do you want to learn how to get a strong mixed voice that can help you to build up and boost up your singing? Are you trying to increase the potential of your voice?
If you want to get a strong mixed voice and you are working to get the answers to these questions, then you are in the right place because I am going to show you the best ways and techniques which you can adopt to get the strong mixed voice.

In this article, I will show you how you can mix up your head voice and your chest voice.
Most of the singers are working to strengthen their mixed voice but it is not as easy as to strengthen their head voice or chest voice.
There are many things that you can do if you want to strengthen your mixed voice and some of the things are controlling the vocal closure, learning the vocal projection, doing some lip drills, decreasing the break between the phrases, developing your chest voice, and many more. So, if you are thinking to work on these tips, let us get started.
The very first thing that you have to make sure that you can sing with your chest voice and head voice as well because these two are the main factors behind a strong and successful mixed voice.
You need to know the transitions between the head voice and chest voice because this is all you have to do if you want to strengthen your mixed voice.
The following are some tips and techniques through which you will be able to work on your chest voice, head voice, and strengthening your mixed voice.
Control the vocal cord closure:
Once you get to know that how you should control the closure of your cord, you will be able to strengthen your mixed voice because it is the point where most of the singers do struggle.
You have to work on your cords so they will be able to control the air pressure and resist the air, otherwise, you will sound so distorted. The best thing you can do to get to know that if you can control the cord closure is to record yourself and listen to yourself.
If you think that you are forcing your voice or you have a distorted voice, then you have to work on controlling your cord closure. If you think that you are singing without any stress and pressure, then you are singing naturally and controlling your cord closure in the best way.
Master the lip trills:
One of the easiest ways to work on vocal closure is to master up your lip trills. Lip trails are considered the best exercise for beginner singers and most of the singers ignore the fact that lip trills can be very useful for them.
If you’re thinking that how the lip trills can help you to master up and strengthen your mixed voice, then I’m here to give you all the possible answers.
It helps you to control the air pressure and the amount of air passing from your cords that you need for your singing. It is also very important for the vocal closure that I have explained to you earlier.
Vocal projection:
Projecting your voice in the right manner is also very important. It is very rare for the singers to work on the vocal projection.
Now if you’re thinking that what does vocal projection helps you in your mixed voice, then you should know that if you want to do the perfect transition from one register to another while you’re singing, vocal projection helps you a lot. It allows you and helps you to do the transitions naturally.
As a result, it will help you to strengthen your mixed voice as much as you can.
Decreasing the break:
If you are thinking that what the break is doing with your mixed voice, then you must know that the break creates and puts the small pauses between your chest voice and head voice which in return affects the path on which these both are going to be connected.
You have to work and find these small areas in your song in which you are taking the small pauses. You can find this point just by recording yourself because you can be your best judge and can know your mistakes very well.
You can only have a small break between the transitions because it is normal but keep in mind that the large and abnormal break pauses will be a barrier in boosting up your mixed voice.
If you cannot get rid of these pauses completely, then just do not worry because it is very normal. You just have to make sure that these are very less and are not noticeable.
A smooth transition is very important between one register to any other. If you are shifting your head voice towards your chest voice, then you may experience the voice cracks. These voice cracks are the pauses and breaks.
Using your mixed voice – How to get to know?
If you are confused in finding that you are singing with your mixed or not, then there is a very simple technique through which you will be able to get to know this. the following are some steps that you can do to clear your confusion:
You should know on which point you are using your chest voice, head voice, falsetto, and your whistle registers. The most important thing from these is to get to know when you are using your chest voice and head voice because the mixed voice is all about these two voices.
The next way to find out that you are using your mixed voice or not is to keep the resonance in your mouth. If you are successful in keeping that, then you are using your mixed voice.
You have to do a little experiment in this, if you are keeping the resonance in your voice and it sounds good to you, then you have to keep it because it will make you louder. But, if you thinking that you are shouting instead of singing louder, then you have to leave it in the first place.
Developing the chest voice:
You have to work on your chest voice while working with the head voice as well. Working on the head voice can be very helpful to sing the high notes but you need to make your chest voice powerful if you want to strengthen your mixed voice.
You have to develop your chest voice and it will automatically develop your mixed voice. As a result, the transition from the chest voice to the mixed voice will be much easier and you will notice a natural shift from chest voice to mixed voice.
Work on the transition ability:
If you are a singer and you want to boost up your mixed voice, then you need to learn how you can perform the transition without any break and pause.
The mixed voice is all about the transition between the chest voice and head voice, so the transition between them must be so smooth. You must master yourself in the transition between the mixed voice, chest voice, and head voice.
Using the chromatic scales:
These are the scales in which some notes come after each other and are also called “Strict scales”. You have to perform them 2 to 3 times a week. It will help you to work on your high notes, low notes, and all the transitions you are performing during your singing.
You have to perform them slowly and give them a proper time. You can perform them with the piano or everything that suits you the best.
Increasing the range of your mixed voice:
Until now, you are working to develop and strengthen your mixed voice. The next and most important step is to increase the range of your mixed voice. It can be done by working on the balancing of the mixed voice.
Your mixed voice uses the same muscles that are being used by the chest voice and head voice. So, if your head and chest voice sound good, then your muscles for the mixed voice will be stronger.
But there is a difference between the muscles of the head voice and chest voice. So, increasing the range of your mixed voice is all about balancing these two different muscle groups.
One of the best ways to make this balance is by using the “Sirens”. It will help you to stretch and control the muscles so, they will help you to have freedom in singing.
Conclusion: How to get a strong mixed voice
You have read all the points and steps. Now, you have to work on them. You have to keep in mind that this process is not the process of days or weeks.
But, it can take months to develop. As the mixed voice is very important for any singer. It helps you to sing a very wide range of notes and songs. You will see the progress that you will be making.
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