Do you wanna learn how to sing on the beat? Do you want to improve the timing and rhythm of you are singing?
If you have these questions in your mind, then you are in the right place because in this article, I am going to show you the best ways through which you will be able to sing on the beat and as a singer, the person needs to have the perfect timing and a good rhythm.
Before starring showing you all the main points and skills, the singers should know that what is the rhythm and timing and the use of these two terms in the process of singing.
In music terminology, the term rhythm means that it is the collective wave of weak and strong elements. On the other hand, timing refers to the synchronization of the voice with the beat that is being played in the background.
So, these both things are very important for a singer. These both things look tough and complex at first, but once you are done with the practice, these will be very easy for you.

Steps to sing on a beat:
The following are some important and main steps that can help you to sing on a beat without any difficulty.
Checking that you are not Tune Deaf:
The very first step for you to make sure that you are not tone-deaf. There is the part of the brain that is called Amusia, that is responsible for the musical abilities that we have, including the pitch and the rhythm. If a person is suffering from the tune deafness, he will not be able to differentiate between two different pitched or the rhythm.
For example, and as practice, if someone plays two different notes on a piano and ask you to differentiate them. If you hear them as a single note, then you are the tune deaf, otherwise not. Only 3% of the total singers in the world are affected by tone-deafness. So, you do not need to worry about anything at all.
Many online tune deafness tests can allow you to test yourself and get to know the main cause that is affecting you in your singing. Tune deafness is not related to any kind of musical skill and technique.
Matching the pitch:
The next step after you know that your brain and ear are capable of hearing and differentiating two notes is to match the pitch. How you can do that? It is very easy that when you hear any notes, you can sing that same note. Hitting the right note is all about this matching. If you are not able to hit the right note or you are facing any issue sing the notes, then you should work on this area of your singing.
You have to keep in your mind that you are not jumping directly to sing a song, but first, before reaching the karaoke stage, you must have known that you can match the pitch of your voice with the notes. There are many easy and DIY exercises that you can do to match your pitch, hit the notes properly, and getting the proper, balanced, and accurate voice control.
This skill is all about connecting your both ears. For its practice, you should go for the feedback loop, and when you sing a note, you have to note that down the note is at the right place or not. The following are the three ways that you can do to match your pitch:
- Matching the pitch with the digital tuner.
- Matching the pitch with an app.
- Matching the pitch by recording yourself.
Dividing the beat into parts:
This technique is being used by many professionals and famous singers to master their rhythm and timing of the note. All you have to do is to divide the simple and regular beat into the parts and no metronome is involved in this. Let me give you an example if there is a beat like 1, 2, 3, 4 and you have to count that in your mind like 1, and 2, and 3, and 4.
It has the advantage that it will be easier for you to note that if there is any note that is coming and arriving between the beats. If you do not divide, you will have a long beat without any space. So, it will be very tough for you to find the right beats and place the notes. If you divide them, you will be able to place the notes very easily.
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Practicing the beats on different instruments:
You have to keep one thing in your mind that many different instruments have different rhythm and timing. For example, if you are playing any complex note and beat on a piano, it would be recommended that you master and play the left-hand part first because it is easy and you can easily do the composition.
After that, you can shift yourself to the right-hand part because it is very complex in timing and rhythm. Then, put both hands together once you are done with the right-hand too.
In the case of the guitar, you should master the rhythm and timing of the right-hand because it is very important to understand the strumming pattern. After that, you should understand the chords and riffs of the left hand.
For other instruments, if you are thinking about “where to start?”, then there is a very simple rule that you have to separate the rhythmic challenges from the pitch challenges. You have to start with simple timing and rhythm and do not put yourself into any challenge at the start.
Conclusion: How to sing on the beat
You have read all the points, and now it is time for you to make these all points practical. Make sure that all the notes and the rhythm are in your mind. Be calm and be patient because you are going to adopt the best thing in your singing career.
If you wanna improve your singing and to get professional advice from a professional singer, click here.
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