Do you wanna learn how to sing low notes? Have you ever noticed that you are working with the high notes but you also have to work with your lower notes to sing your favorite songs?
If you have these questions in your mind and you want to master yourself in singing the lower notes, then you are in the right place because I am going to show you some mistakes that you are doing and those mistakes which are acting as a barrier in the progress of singing the low notes.

In this article, you will be able to get to know about the different exercises and techniques that are very important in singing the lower notes.
You can notice that most of the songs which are full of emotions are related to the low notes. The most crucial part of the singing is to expand your vocal ranges from upward to downward, and mastering up yourself in every vocal range as well as in any notes that you want to sing.
As you know that the vibration of the vocal cords generates the sound. If these cords vibrate slowly, then it will cause a low note and when these cords vibrate fast, then there will be a high note. You have to keep your vocal cords thick and slack if you want to sing in the low notes.
There are also some mistakes the singers are making when they are singing with low notes.
What are some mistakes?
The following are some mistakes that the singers are making and you have to prevent them if you want to sing with low notes.
Do not drop your larynx:
The larynx is the organ in your body that is called the voice box. You can get the function by its name that it is the organ that produces the voice.
You can use your neck muscles to raise or lower your larynx. It works with the phenomenon that when you raise it, it produces the high notes and when you lower it, it is used for the low notes.
The mistake that most of the singers do here is that they push their larynx way down into the windpipe that can block the air passageway as well.
You do not have to lower your larynx if you want to sing the low notes. If you try to lower your larynx, it makes your cords lose and they can come apart. You would sound funny.
Breathing is good for singing but when it comes to lowering the larynx too much, it can cause extra breathing, which is not good for singing. So, all you need to do is to avoid taking your larynx so down or up. You have to keep it balanced if you want a perfect voice.
What are some exercises?
You know the mistakes that you can make to sing the low notes. Now, it is time to prevent this mistake and give a balanced position to your larynx when you are singing. Some easy and important exercises can help you to balance your voice box and take out the best voice that is inside you.
Speak the low notes:
The first exercise is very simple and it is just a mind game. How? All you need to do is to speak the low notes instead of singing them. Yes, it seems very easy!
Most people have different singing and speaking voice because the singing voice is more melodious and songful. When you try to sing the low notes, you focus on that songful voice, which can lower your larynx.
You can do this exercise by singing the same note and same song with your speaking voice instead of your singing voice. The following are some important steps that you can perform:
- You have to forget the music of the song.
- You have to speak the notes with a pitch.
- You will come to know that speaking the same note will be easier for you rather than singing it.
- It will allow you to access and get to know about your lower notes. You can start from the 5th on the scale and then descend while speaking the “e” on each note.
It will help you to focus on your voice and larynx rather than on your songful or quality of the sound because the foundation of the voice is very important for you.
Watching your larynx:
As I have mentioned earlier that singing with the low notes all depends on the larynx and its movement. So, you have to work with that.
In this exercise, you just have to see what your larynx is doing and under what changes it is going through.
The following are the two ways of doing this exercise and watching your larynx:
- You can take help from the mirror and just see your larynx when you are singing.
- You can also touch it and feel it when you are singing. Gently, put your thumb and your index finger past your chin.
If you feel that your larynx is moving a bit, it can move. But, keep in mind that it does not need to move too down when you are singing the lower notes. If you are feeling that it is moving too far, then just speak the notes and give it the proper time to get normal.
The 5 tone descending exercises:
There are also some vocal exercises that you can perform and it will be using your voice. The following are some easy exercises for you:
The 5-tone descending “ee” exercise:
In this exercise, you have to come down or descend from the top note to the bottom note with the “ee”. Let me explain, how?
- First of all, you have to pick the 5th note of the major scale.
- You have to use your speaking voice and sing the long “ee”. You have to follow what you were told in the first exercise.
- You have to sing the “ee” for every note and then come down to 1.
- You have to feel and watch your larynx as mentioned in the second exercise, as it is coming down. You are using the “ee” vowels here because it keeps your chest and larynx balanced, unlike some other vowels like “ah” and “uh”.
You have to take proper rest between your exercises because it is a complete workout. Keep the balance in your larynx, keep your voice in a range, and gradually, come down to the low notes.
The 5-tone descending “ooh” exercise:
You have to do the same 5 tone exercise with “ooh”, that you were doing with the “ee”. You have to sing with your speaking voice in this too. You have to do it with the “ooh” sound rather than any other because it has a low resonance.
The following is the way through which you can do it:
- You have to start from the 5th note from the scale.
- You have to sing it with the speaking voice and walk down to the 1.
- Just note down the movement of your larynx and do not let it drop down too far.
Sing the songs with the low notes:
Finally, you are on that point where you can sing your favorite song in the low notes with full of emotions. In this exercise, you have to apply all the techniques, and avoid the mistakes. This exercise will help you to sing all the low notes in real.
All you need to do is to sing the lower notes by narrowing the vowel sounds.
You can do this exercise in the following way:
- You have to pick a song that has low notes in it.
- You have to find out the lower notes that you find trouble singing them. Determine which vowel sound they are using.
- Once you get to know the vowels, you have to change the open vowel sounds with the narrower ones that are alike.
It will help you to sing every song that you want to sing. But keep in mind that you have to replace the right vowel sounds with the right narrower vowel sounds. In this way, you will be able to get back to the correct vowel sounds once you master this.
Conclusion: How to sing low notes
You have read all the points and now it is up to you how you are going to practice these all. You have to sing the lower notes and you need some motivation for this too. Imagine yourself singing the songs of your own choice and getting the praises from the audience. Yes, it is your reality.
Just keep in mind that you have to keep your larynx relaxed and balanced. You have to avoid every kind of strain.
The more comfortable you will be in practicing and exercising, the better you will learn and apply the things to yourself. You have to give it a proper time because this makes changes in your organs.
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